Martin R, Finca Castelara X Lost Origin (with 오레아 V4, 시바리스트, 2 Way Cup, 멜로드립 리프트)

Martin R, Finca Castelara X Lost Origin

Jasmine, Lemongrass, Lemon Peel, White Tea


@wildkaffee Martin R V4 Narrow

@sibaristcoffee FAST Champion Pack

@fdmbyoptikalblitz Melodrip Lift 2.5

@2waycup Refined Version

@difluid_kr MBTI & R2

19%, 1.43%

These cherries grow on the farms of Finca Castelara at about 1,700 m in Alto Jaramillo Boquete, in Lot 93. The cherries were harvested on February 23rd. On arrival to the lab the cherries were floated and then placed inside the custom-made coffee fermenters.

Helio Gazer a thiolized yeast strain was selected for this fermentation. Temperature was set at 22.5 degrees Celsius and coffee cherries remained there for 3 days. Then cherries were placed on individual 4.5 kg trays and into the drying rooms for 3l days, where they would dry at an average temperature of 20 degrees Celsius and 50% ambient humidity.

(Source: Information Card)