Laowa 24mm T8 2X Macro Pro2be Lens Set Teased(영문)

Laowa 24mm T8 2X Macro Pro2be Lens Set Teased

by Francesco Andreola

Laowa has just provided a sneak peek of their upcoming 24mm T8 2X Macro Pro2be lens set. Built on the success of their existing Macro Probe and Periprobe lenses, this 2nd-gen version features a faster aperture, an interchangeable front attachment and a cine-style body. The lens will be officially launched in two weeks.

In 2018, Laowa released a one-of-a-kind 24mm f/14 “snorkel” macro probe lens, which ultimately became one of the most popular options for macro cinematography. Then, last year they followed it up with the 24mm T14 2x Periprobe lens, which comes with a 90° periscope interchangeable front element. My colleague Nino tested both of these lenses, so make sure to check out his reviews here (original Macro Probe) and here (Periprobe).

Now, the company has just released a teaser video briefly showcasing the next generation of these lenses, called Laowa Pro2be. So let’s take a look at what we know so far!

Laowa Pro2be lens set – sneak peek

To start off, the new Laowa 24mm T8 2X Macro Pro2be seems to inherit the interchangeable front element design from the existing “Periprobe” lens. As seen in the video, the kit includes a straight “Direct View” module, what looks like a “periscope” module and a new 35° attachment. As a result, the system should offer plenty of flexibility when performing complex camera movements or trying to get close to subjects in restricted spaces.

Direct View, 35° and Periscope modules for Laowa Pro2be. Source: Laowa

Additionally, the lens now features a T8 aperture, which makes it almost 2 stops faster compared to the previous T14 generation. This is of great help, especially considering that this lens is oftentimes used to capture slow-motion close ups. However, while the existing Macro Probe and Periprobe lenses have a front LED light ring, I couldn’t clearly spot it on this new version. I’m wondering if it is simply well-hidden in the teaser or the company took it out given the faster aperture.

Laowa 24mm T8 2X Macro Pro2be lens. Source: Laowa

The lens barrel features 0.8MOD focus and iris gears for attaching manual or remote follow focus systems. Moreover, an engraving on the lens body informs us that the front element is still waterproof.

Direct View, 35° and Periscope modules for Laowa Pro2be. Source: Laowa

Unfortunately, the teaser provides very little information on the available lens mount options, besides the ARRI PL mount displayed in the video. The original Macro Probe and Periprobe lenses are available in EF/RF/F/Z/FE/L and K mount variants, so hopefully the same options will apply to this new lens.

Laowa Pro2be comes with an ARRI PL mount. Source: Laowa

Product launch date

There’s currently no official information regarding the price and availability of the upcoming Laowa Pro2be lens set. The official product launch is scheduled for August 15th at 02:00PM GMT, so make sure to stay tuned to CineD for more updates.


Laowa has just provided a sneak peek of their upcoming 24mm T8 2X Macro Pro2be lens set. Built on the success of their existing Macro Probe and Periprobe lenses, this 2nd-gen version features a faster aperture, an interchangeable front attachment and a cine-style body.